Spring Clean Up 2023 Recap

The 2023 spring cleanup was a huge success, despite the rain/sleet/snow mixture in the afternoon and the chill in the air. On April 15th neighbors cleared out basements, garages, and yards. Volunteers gathered at the Lincoln High School parking lot to help unload cars and trucks bringing in trash, tree limbs, yard brush, appliances, construction material, and furniture. In addition to neighbors bringing items to the collection site, we also had volunteers collecting trash. Twenty-one neighbors requested to have items picked up at their homes. Thirty-eight UNL students and eleven neighbors walked the streets and alleys picking up litter. We had four pickup trucks and eight volunteers handling the requested pickups and collecting the trash bags left by the litter collection volunteers. By the end of the cold and wet day, we filled two commercial recycling trucks, three 40’ dumpsters, and one 30’ dumpster.  We also collected 380 pounds of litter and recyclables from the streets and sidewalks throughout the neighborhood. We had to cut off tire collection around 1:00 when the trailer was full with 123 tires! A HUGE thanks to all who volunteered and helped keep our neighborhood looking great! Scroll down to see some great photos from the clean up.

-Deb Cosgrove, Spring Clean Up Chair

Justin Swanson