Welcome New Neighbors to the Near South with a Welcome Basket

We moved to the Near South from Seattle in 2019 and knew right away this was a unique place. We met more neighbors (who knocked on our door to introduce themselves) in our first 24 hours than we met in Seattle in 23 years. A wonderful neighbor a few doors down brought me the latest Near South Neighborhood Association newsletter when she came to welcome me. This kind gesture meant so much.

Have you spotted a SOLD sign at a home near you in Near South? Have you recently met a new neighbor? Surely, introducing yourself is the best way to begin that relationship, but as the Near South Neighborhood Association, we’d love to help you welcome new neighbors to this wonderful community by giving them a welcome basket! Simply click here, or click on the “Make a Connection” button at the bottom of the NSNA homepage, and complete our “Refer a Neighbor” referral form. We’ll take care of the assembly and delivery of a beautiful welcome basket.

The NSNA Welcome Baskets include a small gift, menus and coupons for Near South restaurants, brochures for Near South businesses and services, a recent newsletter, and information on how they can get involved in our thriving community. Our members are active participants in our community, and we’d love to help new neighbors feel welcomed and part of the community right away. And if YOU would love to get involved, we’d love to hear from you, too. Reach out to your section representative to learn more about the ways you can get involved in the Near South, or come to any of our monthly meetings at 7 pm on the second Monday of each month at First Plymouth Church. Look forward to hearing from you!

By Karen Lynne Knaup, NSNA Section 11 Representative

Justin Swanson