Fundraising for Peach Park Renovation Nears Completion

Reach for Peach (Park) – We Need YOU!

Since 1979, the Near South Neighborhood Association (NSNA) has supported the creation and expansion of the Near South parks. In line for an update is our seventh park - Peach Park!

The NSNA first helped create Peach Park in 1979 by purchasing two rundown houses on Peach St. between 14th & 15th to create a “children’s pocket park.” In June 2007 we joined forces with the City and Lincoln Cares to provide $35,000 in funding to acquire two additional lots next to the park. July 2018 we held the Peach Park Carnival in conjunction with II Pillars Church. Surveys were taken on what improvements neighbors wanted and those were shared with Lincoln Parks to begin researching how we can work together on critical improvements.

In 2021 we began fundraising to help pay for a number of updates to the park, including moving the basketball court, upgrading playground equipment, installing a picnic shelter, and replacing the broken drinking fountain. See below for plans.

As we approach our goal of contributing $35,000 (one-third of total cost estimates) to Lincoln Parks Foundation, AND in recognition of NSNA’s 50th Anniversary, we will have a community celebration late this summer. We hope YOU can join us (watch for more info), because YOU have helped us through grants, fundraising and private donations.

BUT, we haven’t crossed the finish line yet. We are asking for donations, small or large, but suggest $50 to recognize NSNA’s 50th Anniversary.  Your tax deductible donation may be sent to: Lincoln Parks Foundation, 3131 O St., Suite 301, Lincoln, NE 68510, or given online at We need YOU, and we thank YOU.

 “Our legacy is helping others.” – Cathy Wilken, NSNA Chair, Parks Committee

Justin Swanson