Tickets go on sale April 24.
Sunday’s traditional event is May 14, 1–5pm (online tickets $20 or in person at First-Plymouth Church east parking lot day of tour. )
May 14th check-in for receipt of “pre-sale” admission bracelets and tour books, as well as day-of-event ticket sales, takes place at First-Plymouth Church (East parking lot, 21st and “D” St).
No tickets will be available for purchase at the home sites.
Cost: $20 for adults; children under 10 FREE; $50 per person for the May 13 VIP Tour. Questions concerning the event may be directed to the event chair, Cathy Wilken. Click here to email questions to Cathy.
Don’t miss this bi-annual Near South Event!
Featured homes are:
1937 F St. – Clark-Leonard House (1887)
1721 Garfield St.– The Mother Griggs House (1893)
1930 F St. – Foster House (1896)
1106 S. 20 th St. – William & Helen FitzGerald House (1902-1903) Restoration in progress
1448 B St.--Joseph S. Brown House (Est. 1908)
1862 Harwood St.--Emma & Charles Warton House (1910)
1743 S. 24 th St.--Margaretha & Ernest Rokahr House (1912)
1845 Pepper Ave. – Grace & E. Roy Deputy House (1914)